Version 1.33.0 released 🎉 We've updated Heroicons to version 2.1.5, which adds some new icons.

Powerful suite of Blade components for TALL Stack apps.

Form Color

>= v1.5

Form color component.

<x-color />
Select your favorite color or insert a hexadecimal value.
<x-color label="Color" hint="Select your favorite color or insert a hexadecimal value." />

An option to pick the color using a different selector.

<x-color picker />

An option to force the color selection through the color selector box.

<x-color selectable />

This will transform the input in readonly and open the color selector box when the input is clicked.

An option to specific your own hexadecimal colors.

<x-color :colors="['#83493D', '#3D8357', '#693D83', '#3AB3D1', '#5DD116']" />
<x-color x-on:set="alert(`Selected Color: ${$event.detail.color}`)" />

An option to not show validation error message.

<x-color invalidate />

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