Table component.
Table, Personalization Blocks
TallStackUi::personalize() ->table() ->block('block', 'classes');
All examples in this page use Livewire through Laravel Volt because the TallStackUI documentation uses Livewire through Laravel Volt instead of pure Livewire components. You can use the table component in pure Livewire components, i.e. without Laravel Volt.
Although many packages can add table features to your project, TallStackUI offers you a simple table component, but with all the basic features necessary for a table to work through Livewire components.
You have two ways to provide data to create a table: 1) Simple data through an array or 2) Data that comes from the database, using Laravel Eloquent Pagination. The main difference between the two ways is that when choosing to create a table with an array of data, features such as filtering, sorting and pagination will be more difficult to implement.
1) Simple data through an array
@php $headers = [ ['index' => 'id', 'label' => '#'], ['index' => 'name', 'label' => 'Member'], // ... ]; $rows = [ ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Taylor Otwell'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Nuno Maduro'], // ... ];@endphp <x-table :$headers :$rows />
2) Data that comes from the database
<?php use App\Models\User;use Livewire\Volt\Component; new class extends Component { public function with(): array { return [ 'headers' => [ ['index' => 'id', 'label' => '#'], ['index' => 'name', 'label' => 'Member'], ], 'rows' => User::all(), ]; }}; ?> <div> <x-table :$headers :$rows /></div>
The search input bind the property using with debounce of 500ms.
An option to display a loading effect when interacts with the table elements.
Sorting when clicking on the header names of the table.
Header Slot
Footer Slot
The table component provides a custom Blade directive @interact
to allow you to interact with the table columns about the data provided in each row. Allowing you to
interact with the table and make things like add an action button for each row.
<?php use App\Models\User;use Livewire\WithPagination;use Livewire\Volt\Component;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; new class extends Component { use WithPagination; public ?int $quantity = 10; public ?string $search = null; public function delete(string $id): void { dd($id); } public function with(): array { return [ 'headers' => [ ['index' => 'id', 'label' => '#'], ['index' => 'name', 'label' => 'Member'], ['index' => 'action'], ], 'rows' => User::query() ->when($this->search, function (Builder $query) { return $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$this->search}%"); }) ->paginate($this->quantity) ->withQueryString(), 'type' => 'data', ]; }}; ?> <div> <!-- 1: --> <x-table :$headers :$rows filter paginate id="users"> <!-- The $row represents the instance of \App\Model\User of each row --> @interact('column_action', $row) < color="red" icon="trash" wire:click="delete('{{ $row->id }}')" /> @endinteract </x-table> <!-- 2: You can pass extra variables to the directive --> <x-table :$headers :$rows filter paginate id="users"> @interact('column_action', $row, $type) < color="red" icon="trash" wire:click="delete('{{ $row->id }}', '{{ $type }}')" /> @endinteract </x-table></div>
As mentioned in the Livewire documentation, for cases where you want to render
components in a loop, using the Blade @interact
directive, you must specify a unique key for each component:
<?php use App\Models\User;use Livewire\WithPagination;use Livewire\Volt\Component;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; new class extends Component { use WithPagination; public ?int $quantity = 10; public ?string $search = null; public function with(): array { return [ 'headers' => [ ['index' => 'id', 'label' => '#'], ['index' => 'name', 'label' => 'Member'], ['index' => 'action'], ], 'rows' => User::query() ->when($this->search, function (Builder $query) { return $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$this->search}%"); }) ->paginate($this->quantity) ->withQueryString(), ]; }}; ?> <div> <x-table :$headers :$rows filter paginate id="users"> @interact('column_action', $row) <livewire:delete.user :user="$row" :key="uniqid()" /> @endinteract </x-table></div>