V2 is now our main version. V1 is considered EoL!

Powerful suite of Blade components for TALL Stack apps.


TallStackUI available commands.

TallStackUI provides some useful commands to help you during the development process of your projects that use TallStackUI. On this page, we will list all the commands and their references with details of the purpose of each command.

Command used to find component usages in all Blade files.

php artisan tallstackui:find-component

After running the command, you will need to select the component you want to find usages for, and then the command will list all the files that use the selected component, and also the line number where the component is used. When any occurrence is found, the output will be similar to the following:

Find Component Command Output

Command used to set up component prefix.

php artisan tallstackui:setup-prefix

This command is used to set up the component prefix. Read more about it by clicking here.

Command used to set up component colors.

php artisan tallstackui:setup-colors

This command is used to set up or manipulate component colors. Read more about it by clicking here.

Command used to generate ide.json file.

The version 2.0 of TallStackUI introduces the ide command:

php artisan tallstackui:ide

This command will map all the components based on the TallStackUI configuration file to create an ide.json file - in the base path of the Laravel application, which will be used by the Laravel Idea - PhpStorm plugin, to scan the TallStackUI component class and provide autocomplete functionality for TallStackUI components. You need to restart your PhpStorm after running the command.

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