We are working to upgrade the V2 to TailwindCSS v4

Powerful suite of Blade components for TALL Stack apps.

Form Textarea

Form textarea component.

<x-textarea />
Insert the description
<x-textarea label="Name" hint="Insert the description" />

An option to display an asterisk indicating that the field is required.

<x-textarea label="Description *" />
<x-textarea resize />

An option to auto increase the size of textarea.

<x-textarea resize-auto />

An option to show the number of characters.

<div class="space-y-8">
<x-textarea maxlength="10" count />
<!-- Only character quantity -->
<x-textarea count />

The character count element uses an absolute position, make sure to leave space between the elements below the component. Otherwise the number may appear on top of the HTML elements.

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