V2 is now our main version. V1 is considered EoL!

Powerful suite of Blade components for TALL Stack apps.


Signature component.

Many modern applications need to capture a user's signature, and the signature component is ideal for this. The signature component capturing and exporting signatures. The signature will be a base64 that you can display as an image or store in your database.

You should use it inside Livewire components with wire:model to some property as a string.

<x-signature />
You can revert if you have written something wrong.
<x-signature label="Sign your name" hint="You can revert if you have written something wrong." />
<x-signature color="#ff0000" />
<x-signature background="#cc1002" />
<x-signature line="10" />
<x-signature height="500" />
<x-signature clearable />
<x-signature exportable />
<!-- You can set "jpeg" to export as jpeg -->
<x-signature exportable jpeg />
<!-- $event.detail will receive: {signature: url} -->
<x-signature exportable x-on:export="alert('Exported!')" />

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