This page is dedicated to guide you in solving some of the most known problems that can occur when using TallStackUI.
Whenever you update TallStackUI, check whether there have been changes to the config/tallstackui.php
file. As this file can be published for your application, if a new component is added in a new version of TallStackUI, this
file needs to be updated with the addition of the new component.
If you are using TallStackUI on a version prior to Laravel 10.35, you will face an issue related to component attributes. This is due to an issue in Laravel below version 10.35 which means that when passing attributes to a component that has child components like input, buttons, badge, etc., the attributes are lost between the parent component and the child component. To fix this issue, ensure that your Laravel version is above 10.35.
<!-- using the input like this --><x-input name="name" foo="bar" /> <!-- will result in an input WITHOUT the "name" attributebecause the input component uses other componentsthat also contain the "name" attribute. --><input foo="bar">